Creating Your Happy Place

Episode 13: Cancer, Co-Working, and Covid (With Guest Tracey Warren)

β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 13

Today on Creating Your Happy Place, we chat with special guest Tracey Warren! CEO of the co-working space In-Spark, this eternal optimist faced (and conquered) a cancer diagnosis with a smile.

In this episode she shares why she started a co-working space (and addresses some of the challenges of co-working) along with her story of facing cancer during covid. Listen to how she brought sunshine into 2020 despite the challenges.


Champion igniter, Tracey Warren supports women entrepreneurs and asks, "What if you already knew everyone you needed to know to be truly successful in your business?" "How would that change things for you?" She is an author, truth teller, authentic speaker and remarkable community creator who brings an army of champions and advocates along on whatever trail she blazes including her recent victory over breast cancer. She’s excited to cheer you on when you are successful, and encourage you when you need a gentle nudge. Most days, you will likely find her quoting some random movie line or breaking into song – or laughing out loud at something she found funny!
Follow her on Instagram at


Rebecca is CEO of her Seattle-based residential interior design company Seriously Happy Homes, author of the book Happy Starts at Home, and host of this podcast! She's a business consultant to her fellow residential interior designers through Seriously Happy Coaching & Consulting and a small business mentor with SCORE Seattle. She can't resist a costume party or a cat video, and has a weakness for Oreos, Taco Bell, and Scotch whiskey. 😁 Follow her on Instagram at


Creating Your Happy Place: A podcast that explores how our spaces support (or sabotage) our happiness and make it easier (or harder) to reach our goals, then empowers you to do whatever it takes to get happy at home. 😊🏑

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